Work Work Work: Michael Sengl

Work work work.

Currently, I am working as a research associate for Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld, Chair of Communication Science at the University of Passau.

I am writing my dissertation about The Influence of Editorial Convergence on Working Conditions in German News Journalism.

When teaching, I focus on the challenges for high quality journalism in times of digitalisation and media convergence.

High Quality Journalism

... is a central part of every pluralistic democracy. Only with trustworthy and high-quality journalism we are able to form an opinion on issues bigger than what we experience in our daily lifes. This imposes the question how media companies can survive in a more and more digital and globalized future where many of our decisions are based on their reporting.

crossmedia Convergence

... means that media companies grow together, journalistic desks merge and content is not just being produced for one, but for many channels at once. This leads to big changes in the organization but also in the media content – an exciting and important area of research!

Newsroom Studies

... try to understand the abovementioned changes. How do media companies deal with the current and future developments? And how does this impact journalists' working routines and, therefore, their output?

Fake news

... is a trending topic. But how do they differ from simple mistakes in reporting, how do they influence our society and how can recipients learn to deal with them?



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Edited Volumes

  • Hohlfeld, R., Harnischmacher, M., Heinke, E., Lehner, L. S. & Sengl, M. (Hrsg.) (2020.). Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Journal Articles

  • Sengl, M., Lehner, L. S., & Hohlfeld, R. (2023). Editorial Convergence Equals Lower News Content Diversity? A Mixed-Methods-Study Assessing Organization and Reporting of German Newspapers. Journalism Practice, 1–20. 
  • Sengl, M., & Heinke, E. (2023). Teaching Journalism Literacy in Schools: The Role of Media Companies as Media Educators in Germany. Media and Communication, 11(2).
  • Hohlfeld, R., Lehner, L. S., & Sengl, M. (2022). Journalismus und PR: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille, geprägt in einem integrativen Studiengang. Communicatio Socialis, 55(1), 71–76.

Book Chapters

  • Lehner, L. S., Sengl, M., & Hohlfeld, R. (2024). Innovative Formate, neue Zielgruppen oder alles wie immer? Eine Analyse zum Stand der redaktionellen Konvergenz und Vielfalt im Lokaljournalismus. In S. Kretzschmar, A. Sehl, & D. Nölleke (Eds.), Innovationen im Journalismus (pp. 97–112). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
  • Holzer, S. & Sengl, M. (2020). Quelle gut, alles gut? Glaubwürdigkeitsbeurteilung im digitalen Raum. In R. Hohlfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, L. S. Lehner & M. Sengl (Eds.), Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Heinke, E. & Sengl, M. (2020). Medienkompetenzvermittler: Die Rolle von Medienunternehmen in der Schule. In R. Hohlfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, L. S. Lehner & M. Sengl (Eds.), Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
  • Hohlfeld, R., Harnischmacher, M., Heinke, E., Lehner, L. S. & Sengl, M. (2020). Herausgebervorwort. In R. Hohlfeld, M. Harnischmacher, E. Heinke, L. S. Lehner & M. Sengl (Eds.), Fake News und Desinformation: Herausforderungen für die vernetzte Gesellschaft und die empirische Forschung. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

conferences - Seminars - Workshops

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  • Sengl, M. (2022). Der Einfluss redaktioneller Konvergenz und ihrer Begleiterscheinungen auf die Arbeitsbedingungen im Nachrichten- und Informationsjournalismus. Presentation at the PhD student workshop by the DGPuK Journalism Studies division und the Junior Network Journalism Studies (09/28/2022) in Trier, Germany.


  • Hohlfeld, R., Sengl, M. & Lehner, L.S. (2021). Newsroom integriert – Qualität reduziert? Der Einfluss redaktioneller Konvergenz auf die Vielfalt journalistischer Berichterstattung. Presentation at the annual conference of the German Communication's Journalism Studies division on  "Innovationen in Journalism: Theories – Methods – Potentials" (09/15-09/17/2021) in Munich, Germany.


  • Lehner, L. S., Hohlfeld, R., Sengl, M. & Heinke, E. (2020). Quality Measurement as a Major Challenge in a Convergent Media World. Presentation at the IAMCR 2020 conference „Reimagining the Digital Future. Building inclusiveness, respect and reciprocity” (07/12-07/17/2020) in Tampere, Finland. Due to COVID-19 digital.
  • Heinke, E. & Sengl, M. (2020). Media.Education.Literacy. Qualitative expert interviews on initiatives for the mediation of media literacy by media companies. Presentation at the IAMCR 2020 conference „Reimagining the Digital Future. Building inclusiveness, respect and reciprocity” (07/12.-07/17/2020) in Tampere, Finland. Due to COVID-19 digital.
  • Sengl, M., Heinke, E., Lehner, L. S., Hohlfeld, R. & Harnischmacher, M. (2020). Journalistic Quality in a Convergent Media Environment.  Presentation at the 70th Annual ICA Conference (05/21.-05/25/2020) in Gold Coast, Australia. Due to COVID-19 digital.
  • Hohlfeld, R., Lehner, L. S., Sengl, M., Harnischmacher, M. & Heinke, E. (2020). #Konvergenz #Vielfalt #Methodik. Über die Herausforderung, Vielfalt als zentralen Baustein journalistischer Qualität in der konvergierenden Medienwelt zu messen. Presentation at the 65th annual conference of the German Communication Association „#Medien #Mensch #Gesellschaft“ (03/10-03/12/2020) in Munich, Germany. Due to COVID-19 cancelled.
  • Heinke, E. & Sengl, M. (2020). Medien.Bildung.Kompetenz. Qualitative Experteninterviews über Initiativen zur Vermittlung von Medienkompetenz seitens Medienunternehmen. Presentation at the annual conference of the division of Communication and Media Ethics of the German Communication Association (02/21/2020) in Munich, Germany.


  • Hohlfeld, R. & Sengl, M. (2019). Konsequent konvergent: „Journalistik und Strategische Kommunikation“ als Antwort auf den Medienwandel.  Presentation at the DGPuK Journalism Studies division's annual conference (09/18.-09/20/2019) in Eichstätt, Germany.
  • Sengl, M. (2019). Der Einfluss redaktioneller Konvergenz auf die individuellen publizistischen Leistungen im Nachrichtenjournalismus. Presentation at the PhD student workshop by the DGPuK Journalism Studies division und the Junior Network Journalism Studies (09/18/2019) in Eichstätt, Germany.
  • Heinke, E. & Sengl, M. (2019). Terrorism, the Media and ist Recipients. A Quantitative Survey about Coping with Terror Attacks and News. Presentation at the DGP Media Psychology section's annual conference (09/04-09/06/2019) in Chemnitz, Germany.
  • Sengl, M. (2019). Die Auswirkungen redaktioneller Konvergenz auf die individuellen publizistischen Leistungen im Nachrichtenjournalismus.  Presentation at the Bavarian Science Forum's annual colloquium (06/12/2019) in Regensburg, Germany. 
  • Heinke, E., Hohlfeld, R., Lehner, L. S. & Sengl, M. (2019). Crossmedia Summerschool. A practical educational concept. Presentation at the ECREA Journalism & Communication Education Temporary Working Group's conference  „Trial and Error III. Business as usual? On the relationship between industry and education for media professionals in times of change” (05/17-05/18/2019) in Salzburg, Austria. 
  • Heinke, E., Lehner, L. S. & Sengl, M. (2019). Journalistic Traineeships: Expectations vs. Reality. Presentation at the ECREA Journalism & Communication Education Temporary Working Group's conference  „Trial and Error III. Business as usual? On the relationship between industry and education for media professionals in times of change” (05/17-05/18/2019) in Salzburg, Austria.
  • Sengl, M., Heinke, E., Lehner, L. S. & Hohlfeld, R. (2019). Recognising Fake News. Presentation at the International Conference on Journalism, PR and Media Trends (04/19/2019) in Moscow, Russia.


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  • Convergence and Change in Media
  • German Media System

SS 23

  • Crossmedia Publishing – Journalism Masterclass
  • Journalistic Investigation

WS 22/23 

  • Journalistic Genres
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

SS 22

  • Crossmedia Publishing – Journalism Masterclass
  • Media Economy
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

WS 21/22 

  • Journalistic Genres
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

SS 21

  • Crossmedia Publishing – Journalism Masterclass
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

WS 20/21

  • Journalistic Genres
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

SS 20

  • Crossmedia Publishing – Journalism Masterclass
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

WS 19/20

  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

SS 19

  • Radio Journalism
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

WS 18/19

  • Online Communication and Crossmedia
  • Aspects of Public Communication – Political Communication
  • Thesis Seminar for Communication Science

WS 17/18

  • Introduction to Communication Science


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  • 04/2023 – 09/2023:  member of the council of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau
  • 10/2020 – 03/2023:  member of the council of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Passau



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